Say No To Paso Robles Measure I-24

Measure I-24 Goes to the General Fund and not specifically to roads! The City Council Has The Option to Create A Bond Without A Taxpayer Vote! Right Idea, Wrong Way of Going About It.

Reject this deceptive ballot measure. With no sunset clause, the funds will flow into the General Fund indefinitely. The City Council isn’t offering a clear yes or no choice on the sales tax and bond. This approach is unfair to the residents of Paso Robles and not the proper way to draft legislation.

The Sales Tax Has No END DATE!

Ballot Argument

The tax can be used to close a budget deficit or some other use. The measure needs to specify that the money will go only towards roads and not to pay off a debt. This is a very serious flaw in the way it is written.

Please vote for these candidates for City Council who support No on I-24. They oppose the lack of a sunset clause and not specifying the funds will be used to specifically to repair roads. Let’s do it the right way!
Linda George District 1 and Michael Rivera District 3

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